The adventure begins!

Welcome to this trip of my big adventure. Today I will explain to you, my medieler mates, what is this adventure about. Relax and enjoy as I am doing.

Good news for those medielers that don’t know yet they will come a board in this adventure, I’m pretty sure you will like it.

Just explain little things about my self and how I become in starting this project. This is how this devblog is set to #0.

Long time ago I just dreamed on doing 3D modelling, animate my own characters, and create a world to enjoy. Yes, I was a child that have a goal, but my path turns slightly into what I dreamed.

Before going to university, I had to do a research work, guess what? I made a manual of 3D Studio Max, explaining how to modelling, texturing, animating, rigging… I enjoyed it a lot!!

At ...

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